Who in the hell do you think you are to dress like that? Who in the hell are you trying to be?
This is a topic I think of often as I see women step in front of my camera. In preparation for our shoot, women show me how they always wish they could be photographed. They show me that there are many sides of them. Sides that we didn’t even know existed because it’s been something they have never shown before, never tried before.
Most days we are just regular women…and we get comfortable in our “daily-ness” (for lack of a better word).
Most days you will find me wearing black yoga pants or ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. It’s my go to “lazy-have-too-much-other-stuff-to-worry-about” outfit of the day and it is fine by me because I certainly don’t dress for anyone but my own comfort. I have shit to do, and I’ll probably be sweating or get down on the floor etc etc.
What’s interesting is when women decide to show a different side of themselves. Maybe a different outfit, maybe a different expression. Gasp, maybe they choose NOT to smile even!
Those closest to us may look at us and go “who ARE you?” Some may even get a little uncomfortable with “this version” of you.
Just don’t ever say to a woman who has the courage to come out of her shell “that’s not you” or “I don’t like this,” or “you should smile more,” (although yes smiles look great on everyone), because she is looking for you to also know this side of her. One that she may have been dying to show but didn’t know how. A side of her that you may not have seen before, and that’s okay.
Maybe if society accepted women for who they are, women would find it easier to accept who they are. At every age, at every weight, at every stage. Maybe it would be easier for women to just “BE.”
Book a shoot with me. Let’s find the many sides of you. Tell your tribe you are doing this. And who in the hell knows, maybe you will find out that you also love to wear leather spanx and black heels. And tell those closest to you to not be scared because you are still the same person.