Have you ever looked at someone and observed them for a while without them knowing? (Not in a creepy way ha) Do you ever notice that some people have this way about them. This complete and total comfort, confidence, peace, beauty that surrounds their entire being. It is not an “in your face” kind of wow. If you could see their aura as a color, you could see it coming from within them and around them and bathing them in this color. And it’s almost as if looking at them makes you feel what they feel.
You know, the kind of person that just makes you say wow and sometimes you don’t even know what it was about them. Well, I get this wow moment often when I photograph women in my studio. The process and experience of a photoshoot helps them discover these things about themselves and they immediately start to feel different. It’s almost as if they arrived on the front doorstep of their soul and open the door to see what’s inside. And then they walk in.
They begin to feel different about themselves because they SEE themselves differently, they have walked and peeked inside and decided to stay. They see themselves through the eyes of another person and acknowledge the unique and beautiful and worthy and lovable and desirable person they are, and THAT, is what you can see when you get that wow factor.
Sometimes that wow moment happens so clearly that it’s like someone flipped a switch. Lynda, you are so WOW!
This is more than just a photoshoot. Browse through my website and click on “BOOK MY SHOOT” to start your journey. You will wow yourself.