What does your boudoir dream shoot look like? How would you like to be photographed? I know that I love elegant and tasteful images that I wouldn’t be ashamed to show anyone. I want something that is better than what I can take with a smart phone. I want something that I can frame or put in a beautiful album or give as a gift to my partner.
What’s funny is many women will decide to have a boudoir shoot to give images to their partner, but the person who benefits the most from a session is the woman in the photos. It is amazing what it does for your self confidence and self love and it serves as a great reminder to take care of yourself and honor this vessel that we were given to roam the earth. Whether you choose a boudoir style photo shoot, or a glamour and contemporary photo shoot, or better yet…a combination shoot where you can get your boudoir, your business headshot, your family photo, your glamour photo to show all sides of you, it is entirely up to you and we will chat about it and plan it out.
I recently set up this new corner in my studio to create more beautiful images for my clients, including boudoir images that help you celebrate your feminine side. It is not a session that everyone thinks about when they think of a photo session, and it can kind of be a bit scary to think that someone will photograph you when you are not wearing a lot of clothes. Well, here is the thing with me, I photograph women how they want to be photographed. The level of dress or undress is entirely up to the women I photograph. You can look equally sexy, powerful, confident in an amazing bustier or in a business suit or in a gown or in jeans and a t-shirt. You will see images in my online gallery that are considered boudoir and some of the women are completely dressed and covered. Boudoir can look different for each person. Decide for yourself.
So here is the best part. You and I will sit down and plan out your shoot. We talk about what and why and how. We choose your wardrobe during your wardrobe and shoot consultation that I offer as part of my service. It’s a key step to preparing for your shoot.
On the day of your shoot, I promise you, you will be a lot more comfortable than you think or expected to be. I promise that you will have an amazing time and you will love your images. What are you waiting for? Call me, or fill out the “book my shoot” on this website and let’s get started!