Oh my goodness this gorgeous woman shows up to the studio with this amazing red rain jacket and I knew exactly how I wanted to capture her in it.
It has been amazing to get to know Sara. She is one of the hardest working people I know. She is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Cardiology at the McAllen Heart Clinic.
Not only has she had to deal with all the craziness of Covid and the year 2020, but not a day goes by that she isn’t taking phone calls at all hours and handling very challenging and life threatening issues for her patients. She has a heart of gold (see what I did there?) and is so thoughtful and precise about everything she does that I know she must really be appreciated by all her patients and the medical staff at the clinic.
Sara contacted me after finding my website on Google and she said she really connected with the “why” of having your portrait taken. Her son lives in Norway and she rarely sees him and with restricted travel, even less. She was drawn in by the transformations (the before and after photos) of my clients and realized that most women, including her, are rarely in photographs and she just knew she needed to do this for herself. This amazing 56 year old is an absolute KNOCKOUT and I think she looks like a famous movie star. Now she will join the others on my transformation page and maybe someone will connect with her story, too.
HAIR and MAKEUP by @kjs_hmua
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